Singing Guide: Prestonwood Worship

Singing Guide: Prestonwood Worship

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Prestonwood Worship is a dynamic and inspiring group of artists that leads the worship experience at Prestonwood Baptist Church. They are known for their captivating melodies, meaningful lyrics, and powerful performance.

If you want to learn how to sing like Prestonwood Worship, you need to focus on developing a few key techniques and skills. Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Work on your breath support

    Breath support is essential for any singer, and it’s especially important for the big, powerful vocals of Prestonwood Worship. Start by checking out this article on breath support from Singing Carrots. Then, give this Farinelli Breathing exercise a try. The exercise involves using your abs to support your breath and produce a strong, clear tone.

  2. Master your range

    Prestonwood Worship covers a wide range of notes in their songs, so it’s important to develop your own vocal range. Take this Vocal range test to help identify your range, and then work on exercises to expand it. Singing Carrots’ Pitch Training program is a great resource for this.

  3. Use proper posture and vocal placement

    Proper posture and vocal placement can help you project your voice and produce the big, full-bodied sound that Prestonwood Worship is known for. Check out this video on good singing posture from Singing Carrots for tips.

  4. Work on your tone

    Prestonwood Worship’s music is characterized by its emotional intensity and rich, beautiful tone. Singing Carrots has a number of exercises designed to help you develop your own tone, including this Sustain Vocal exercise and Resonance in Singing article.

  5. Get in touch with your emotions

    One of the things that makes Prestonwood Worship’s music so powerful is the deep emotion conveyed in every note and lyric. Singing with emotion and feeling can take your singing to the next level. Check out this article on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking for further guidance.

Some of the best songs to sing along to, if you want to learn how to sing like Prestonwood Worship, are "Grace So Glorious", "The Cross Has Won", "It Is Finished", "In Christ Alone / The Solid Rock", and "He Is Lord".

By working on breath support, range, posture, tone, and emotion, you can begin to develop your own powerful voice, inspired by the music and performances of Prestonwood Worship. And don't forget to utilize the helpful resources available through Singing Carrots, including the vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, pitch training, and the singing course.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.